Friday, July 1, 2016

Another Year Older but Forever Young

As I approach another birthday on the calendar, I first think there must be some mistake and then I think again there must be some mistake, hehe!! In all seriousness though I realize now more than ever how fortunate I actually am to have reached another year older. Each day we get to live is really a gift that too many of us take for granted. It's true right?

I'd like to think that I have shared some good ideas & tips for feeling & looking younger in my previous posts. In this post my thoughts are leaning more toward frame of mind. If your ‘frame of mind’ is always thinking about age and the limitations caused from it, then you can easily get stuck. Do you ever think back to when you were younger and how everything just seemed easier in terms of how you thought about stuff? In other words when we’re younger we tend to think we can do anything and this is mostly because life hadn't had enough of a chance to get in the way!

As we've all heard, ‘age is just a number’ and I couldn't agree more. It’s a number that lots of us focus too much on whether in the work place, or in our daily lives. We use this ‘number’ to make excuses for things such as; “I'm too old to go skiing”-or- “I'm too old to join a gym” -or- “I'm too old to wear this or that”….you get the gist! My feelings are that as long as I'm alive, am I really “too old” for anything? NO, I'm not and you're not either my friends. Even if our bodies are getting more tired and begin to creak and squeak with each step, we can and must keep moving forward.

What if we got our minds back to where they were when we were young? It may sound easier said than done, but if you try each day to tell yourself that ‘things’ can & will happen (I'll let you fill in whatever you want ‘things’ to be), instead of always using age as a deterrent, 'things' will happen!
Staying positive (and I know you've all heard that a zillion times) is truly key in bringing peace to your life. A positive mind helps your body which helps your overall state of being.

I have often said that I will not let getting older negatively consume my every day life. I will do what I can to fight aging and all the stereotypes that go with it through choosing great beauty products, making good fashion choices and most importantly staying in a positive frame of mind. The calendar may tell me I just turned 46, but in my heart I will remain 26 ;)

Here's to staying forever young,
Tori Lee 

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IG @ToriLeesBeautyMix

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